2024 Spring Plant Menu

We are getting ready for the 2024 growing season! I will update this list as availability and progress changes. I am moving away from bulk single-use plastic pots this year, so all plants will come in degradable mesh pots instead. I am passing this saving along to you as well. Plant your garden this year knowing you’re helping reduce plastic waste; your wallet will thank you too!

You will notice a few indicators, I’ll define those here. (STATUS:Not StartedGerminating,Growing,Ready) , (KYSEEDSOURCE:Yes,No)

Pricing will be similar to last year. Small vegetables and herbs will be $1.99. Premium veggies and herbs will be $2.99. These are denoted by the * symbol.

Quantities are always limited, however this year I am posting the planned number of seedlings for each plant so you know if you need to pre-order more. Keep in mind this number represents how many plants are planned to be planted and the actual yield may be different.  

Vegetables & Herbs:

  • Acmella Toothache Plant (Growing/Yes) 30
  • Basil, Genovese (Growing/No) 20
  • Basil, Opal Purple (Growing/No) 20
  • Bean, Pinto (Growing/No) 25
  • Calendula Mix (Growing/Yes) 30
  • Corn, Bloody Butcher Orn. (Not Started/No) 15
  • Corn, Blue Miniature Orn. (Growing/No) 30
  • Corn, Gem Dent (Not Started/No) 15
  • *Corn, Japonica Variegated Striped (Growing/No) 20
  • Corn, Oaxaca White (Not Started/Yes)
  • Corn, Peaches & Cream (Not Started/No) 35
  • Corn, Peruvian Giant (Not Started/Yes)
  • *Corn, Variegated Pink (Growing/No) 20
  • *Cotton, Red Variegated (Not Started/Yes) 20
  • Golden Marguerite (Growing/Yes) 30
  • Lettuce, Buttercrunch (Ready/Yes) 60
  • Lettuce, Jaguar (Ready/Yes)
  • Nasturtium, Variegated Alaska (Ready/No) 30
  • Pea, Oregon Sugar Snow (Ready/Yes) 30
  • Peppermint (Growing/Yes)
  • Pepper, Aji Brazilian Starfish (Growing/No) 20
  • *Pepper, Carolina Reaper Albino (Growing/No) 15
  • *Pepper, Jalapeño Lemon Yellow (Growing/No) 10
  • Pepper, Poblano (Growing/Yes) 20
  • *Pepper, Carolina Reaper (Growing/Yes) 20
  • Pepper, Habanero (Growing/Yes) 20
  • *Pokeweed, Variegated (Not Started/Yes) 15
  • *Rue Herb, Variegated (Growing/No) 10
  • *Sunflower, Variegated (Growing/No) 15
  • Thunbergia African Sunset (Growing/Yes) 30
  • *Tomato, Dark Galaxy (Growing/No) 30
  • *Tomato, Extra-Terrestrial (Growing/Yes)
  • *Tomato, Indigo Kumquat (Growing/No) 20
  • Tomato, Pineapple (Growing/No) 20
  • *Tomato, Queen of Night (Growing/No) 20
  • Tomato, Steve’s Heirloom Hybrid (Not Started/Yes)
  • *Tomato, Steve’s Variegated (Growing/Yes) 15
  • Tomato, Striped (Growing/Yes) 15
  • Tomato, White Cherry (Ready/Yes)
  • Tomato, White Low-Acid Slicer (Not Started/Yes)
  • Tomato, Yellow Brandywine (Growing/No) 40
  • Tomato, Yellow Pear (Not Started/Yes)
  • Zucchini, Globe (Growing/No) 40

Landscaping and Ornamental:

  • Lunaria Money Plant (Growing/No) 20
  • Marigold RYJest (Growing/Yes) 30+
  • Milkweed (Growing/Yes) 20

Non Herb/Veggies: Pricing Varies

  • Kentucky Coffeetree (Growing/Yes) 20
  • Kentucky Wisteria (Not Started/Yes) 10
  • Tamarind (Growing/Yes) 10
  • Moringa (Growing/Yes) 10
  • Pomegranate (Growing/Yes) 10
  • Cold Hardy Orange (Growing/Yes) 20
  • Mimosa Pudica Sensitive Plant (Growing/Yes) 20